Tuesday, January 22, 2013


You know who it is
Push it to the limit while
You get a yummy body
He will plan today
With my girl Alyssa Ang
Healthy? So delicious
He likes to babble a lot
Once you're in jail can't get out
Gotta eat up to bulk
Gotta shower again, Mommy.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Nigara Falls

You told me if you had a choice of suicide
It'd be to jump and become one with Niagara Falls
And if you decided last minute you don't wanna die
You wouldn't be able to revers that instant jump/
The water would take over
No one would know
Not only would you loved ones be crushed
But also you
By the water.
The lottery ticket you bought a day or two before
Might have revealed you're another Trump.
The pack of cigarettes on your dashboard won't lead
To cancer
Maybe I'll burn the house down
Cause I won't get texts reminding me not to
I'd never get that profound moment
Of sharing a beer or two with you.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Finally we got up.
I decided that this time
I was going to wear your shirt.

I feared your windows
Exposing to all of Union Turnpike
We were glowing with 
That accomplished radiance.

I pondered the place you came to
After a long day
A bad day
A wonderful day.
Playing imaginary scenes. 
Opening the door with a 
Different face
For each day.
I wanted to witness it all.

You cooked me 
A colorful plate of 
Vegetables and chicken
And of course 
As always you made it spicy.
Despite the fire in my mouth
I realized there was one
Between us the whole time.
I knew no glass of water couldn't 
Extinguish this. 

You later claimed you lived
In such a crappy apartment
That was it.
You and I. 
Your shirt.
Your boxers.
That was all I needed to feel belonged
In what you claimed a crappy apartment. 


Friday, January 4, 2013

Firm on the grip
I thought I wouldn't have let go
I thought I had this
But all I have now
Is about a few days worth of
Cabin fever
And an itch for
A surprise.
I never thought
My past would
Collide with my present.
I  don't blame
Anyone anymore.
When I'm limited
My mind is
I'm creating my