Saturday, January 12, 2013

Finally we got up.
I decided that this time
I was going to wear your shirt.

I feared your windows
Exposing to all of Union Turnpike
We were glowing with 
That accomplished radiance.

I pondered the place you came to
After a long day
A bad day
A wonderful day.
Playing imaginary scenes. 
Opening the door with a 
Different face
For each day.
I wanted to witness it all.

You cooked me 
A colorful plate of 
Vegetables and chicken
And of course 
As always you made it spicy.
Despite the fire in my mouth
I realized there was one
Between us the whole time.
I knew no glass of water couldn't 
Extinguish this. 

You later claimed you lived
In such a crappy apartment
That was it.
You and I. 
Your shirt.
Your boxers.
That was all I needed to feel belonged
In what you claimed a crappy apartment. 


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